The Genesis

Since the Watchman has his weekly expedition up the mountain, I joined him along these trips whenever I could. The following was a summary of the conversation one particular week, the lighting of a torch I've come to hold on to... 

The rules didn't change, The Watchman was Bold for bringing me along, I was brave for coming. We had our mountain dinner in silence as usual and sang a hymn before we began, and so it went...

Ho phela le Morena wa ka, lekunutung la hae,

Ho rutwa ke eena Jeso ke le maotong a hae,

Ha ho letlhogonolo le kang leo, ha ke bona,

La ho utlwa hoba Jeso ke dintho tsohle ho nna,

Hoja nka 'na ka phela le Jeso ka mokhwa ona,

Ke ne ke tla 'ne ke fetohe ya tshwanang le eena,

Ka khalalelo, ka boineelo, le boitelo,

Ka thabo le ka khotso, haholo ka lerato.

sefela ~ 292

To dwell within your presence, your holy dwelling,

To be taught by you oh Lord, as I sit by your feet,

How fortunate I am is beyond me, to be able to hear,

As you are everything to me and more oh Lord,

How I wish I could dwell in your presence all my days,

So that with grace I may become just like my Lord,

With holiness, with dedication, and self-sacrifice,

With joy and peace, but mostly with love.

Hymn ~ 292

We meet again, My son. 

That we do...

In our last conversation I was encouraging you to keep your faith and not be deflated by the harsh reality regarding the journey of compassion. But before anything I need to enlighten your heart first about a few things.

I understand.

I had it in my mind to answer your questions about the first book in the holy scriptures, how the world was created and the story of Adam and Eve, Man and Woman - ultimately marriage. 

Yes :) 

Okay. Ask away. 

Just the two questions. 

Is the story about Adam and Eve true?


Was the world really created in a week? 


You have to understand that these questions have been asked for centuries. Some people dedicated their entire lives to try and find out how they got here. Each one died still not knowing how they got here nor how everything began. 

The holy scriptures say people cannot understand the works of God. So for your sake, treat the story like an analogy...

God's attempt at meeting you half way, showing you how things got to be the way they are. 

I wish you could say more... But I don't know if I'm not taking a hint. 

God is spirit. In order to understand things of the spirit, you have to do so with and through the spirit. 

So it's not a case of whether the story of Adam and Eve is true, nor was the world really created in a week. It is a matter of spirit, the one who desires to know must ascend the mountain and find out for themselves through spirit. 

Just like you have. 

Just like I have? 


I don't understand. 

You have had these questions for a long time. But only now can you understand the answer I gave you. It's only on top of this mountain can those questions and their answers be understood. 

I think I'll stop asking and just listen for now. 


This story of the apple tree goes as follow; Do not eat from the tree implies that one should not try and be God nor attempt to understand his ways. Only because you won't be able to comprehend them. 

The snake is the only one who knew the outcome of eating from that tree, and till today still spends the rest of his time luring others to do what he did. 

When the Son of Man was tested in the desert during his time, the very same snake was there too, only this time not as a snake but in spirit. Doing the very same thing, offering the apple that Adam and Eve ate. For eating the apple they got kicked out like the snake did, but now the Son of Man stands king over all three for not accepting the offer. 

The Son of Man was capable of handling such trials and temptation because He himself is the apple tree. 

Oh, I assume you cannot offer someone something they already have or are?


I understand. 

Now that we have dealt with that I want to elaborate on Adam & Eve.

The story about how they came about is essentially a guide on marriage.

It is?

It is.

After creation, God felt that it is not good for a man to be alone. further a man's companion should be suitable. Hence why the Lord searched for one first with the man until they found none. Only then was the man put to sleep... 

You too my son, if you want to get married one day - do not look for a suitable partner because just like it is written, no suitable partner was found. You too, will not find one by yourself unless you fall asleep. 

That is not so easy to understand, please elaborate.

Your duty is to look for and find God. That's your relationship. It's through your commitment to that relationship, that God will then 'find' who he deems suitable for you, your faith and your heart all on your behalf. 

He will place life(you) in a woman's heart and that woman will come alive(towards you). But hear me well... Suitable is suitable. 

You people speak of finding "the one"

you should understand that, that 'one' may also be the one who is especially suitable to ruin your life, suitable for you to learn a lesson or even suitable to lead you to your very death.  

Now this too is a hard teaching... I didn't expect this. 

The one who understands remembers that the Father knows before you ask. So to you I say rather seek a relationship with the Father and do not place your hope in a woman. Rather put your trust in God, because that is how it has always been.

I do not say treat a woman any less. Rather I say that a woman(wife) is a gift from God - commit yourself to the giver not the gift. You should love the gift even more because of who it comes from and and not for what it is. 


I understand. 

Do you need a break? 

Just a moment... 

To just digest everything. 


Okay, we can continue. 

The Son of Man says that at the beginning God created them man and woman, and for that reason a man will leave his mother and father to be one with his wife. It is a special thing. If anything, it is the first commandment, in the first book, right at the very beginning. To show the importance of marriage. Everything stems from marriage, especially the will of God. 

But His Will can be painful as well, so truthfully commit to your relationship with God so that your version of suitable matches your heart. 

Is that why so many marriages do not work? are the men not fulfilling their duties to God before their spouse? 

Yes and No. 

How things begin is how they will end. If something breaks it means it has always been fragile - or prone to break? Not secure, loose, or hard. Soft things do not break when they are dropped. 

Marriage does not fail, does not break. The marriages you see 'breaking' were broken from the beginning and hence were not marriages. That is why the Son of Man says whatever God has put together, let no one separate. 

Remember my words about suitable. 

A lot of times God gives people away in marriage, to fulfill His will. 

Is it not unfair? 

What do you think... 

I don't think I understand enough to have an opinion? 

What does the Son of Man say? 


He says that things that make people stumble or lose their way in life are bound to come? 

But woe to that person through whom they come through? Meaning how unfortunate the man or woman sent to be suitable enough to lead the other astray... 

Yes, that's what He says... 

So then it is not a question of fairness, Just like water finds its way to the ocean, so too will a man and woman with similar hearts find each other. 

For your sake as a man, seek the Lord your God first and then everything else including Eve will come to you. As for the woman and what she should do, a woman is like oxygen, it needs to be Inhaled first, in order for it to nurture life. 

Kea utlwa.

But similar to last time, why wouldn't people who might know this, follow this?

I tell you all of this because you made the effort to come and find out. The one who seeks will find, the one who knocks will enter, how much more will the one who asks be given?  

I understand... 

But one final thing before we leave, I'll stand on the peak this time and tell you what I see...


My commandments are simple. Love God and Love people.
How do you do love God? follow the first three commandments of the 10.
How do you love people? follow the remaining seven commandments of the 10.

I say this because the people of the town keep complaining that God has turned His back on them, that he has forsaken them and left them without any help. They are struggling to make ends meet and the issues of this life are leaving them crying at night on their knees as if God is not aware.

They cannot see that I live among them everyday. Living in the same way they do, 'going through' the same things they do just so that none of them can truly claim that I was not there. That is why the Son of Man says that if they knew the gift of God and who it was that is speaking, then they probably wouldn't live and speak the way they do. 

Unfortunately, living among a people who are crying that I am not with them even though I AM - that? that is what breaks me... 

It breaks me because they believe that they can see... 

Mara ho lefifi.

Come now, let us leave...

Lona ba ratang ho phela, mohlapeng wa Jeso,

Hopolang tsietsi tsa tsela e isang ha eso,

Ke mmila o mosesane, o hakang maotla,

Le kgoro e patisane, e kenoa ka matla,

Ba reng ba mo sala moraho, ba etele pele,

Ba se ke ba tshaba molao o thapisang mmele,

Ba inkele sefapano mahetleng a bona,

Ba tle ba shoele dikano tse ba leng ho tsona.

Sefela ~ 200

To those who desire to follow and live in Christ,

Remember the hardships of the path that leads to eternity,

It is the spoken narrow path that confuses the unwise,

The gate of which is tiny and should be entered by force,

Those who desire to follow, be brave and go on ahead,

They must not be afraid of the law that is good for the soul,

They must carry their cross on their shoulders,

And bravely stand by the commitments they have made.

Hymn ~ 200

This is just a leaf from my tree, A taste of the apple that was given to me. 


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