It's Worth it

It is written in the Bible, "There is a time and season for everything under the sun". 

I previously emphasized the importance of creating space for God to operate in your life, by letting go of those things/people whom are hindering your progress in any journey you've chosen to change your life for the better. It is absolutely necessary to put your crutch down. 

Keep in mind that praying is not 'talking to God', it's praying and in the same light Talking to God is not praying, but a conversation. We all wish to have a one-on-one conversation with God - while ignoring the responsibility that comes with such a privilege. I say that because He has things to say/ask of you too - most of which we are not ready to hear nor execute. 

In this era of the "Holy Spirit" any one person truly seeking is capable of hearing God in one way or another - without having to be "spiritually gifted". If you have  realised that your way of doing things hasn't been working and you are open to a different perspective, Please do not underestimate the weight and seriousness of a conversation with God. I reiterate, it is necessary to let go of that person/thing you've been dependent on, doing this is your 'leap of Faith' showing your commitment and readiness for such a conversation. 

Humility will always be the 'ice-breaker'... be assured that Clarity is the reward for your commitment to what you couldn't see with your eyes but trusted in your faith. 

This is just a leaf from my tree, a reminder before you plant that seed.


  1. The conflict lies in one when there are parts of you that are willing to change and appreciate that change and then there are those parts that are okay with the darkness, brokenness , pain and find it completely acceptable to carry on in this manner because it’s familiar and it’s “safer “ than the unknown.

    1. Remember the initial reason you asked God for help - that reason should be enough to sway this conflict in favour of the parts that are willing to change, if you do that, the unknown will become less scary a day at a time. All you need to do is to Remember.


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