The Watchman's Interlude

The Watchman's Interlude

The heavy burden of the truth can only be experienced through spirit. Before now, I did not comprehend what that meant, while understanding came once I was able to do away with my opinion of right or wrong, and only sought to sit and listen.

On another ascent up the mountain with The Watchman,

We reached the top, this time there was no dinner nor singing of hymns. The Watchman headed straight to the peak and turned around facing my direction with his back towards the town below. 

“Today I am not bold and you are not brave, today I Am and you just listen".

And so it went;

"It is written that one should ask and they will receive, knock and the door shall be opened. It is also written that seek spiritual enlightenment first and then everything else shall follow, how much more for the one who perseveres till the end.

In his day, the Son of Man took the time to teach you about the reality of compassion, the pain of forgiveness and the tough journey of being chosen. He stressed that once you make the decision to follow Him do not make the mistake of looking back, keep walking straight.

How many people do you know who made the decision to follow the shepherd, but did not make it to the destination? How many people do you know who did not make the decision to follow the Son of Man but somehow found themselves enjoying the peace of a journey they did not make.

The wisdom of heavenly angels is that they see the face of the Father every day, the burden of those on earth is that they see the face of the evil one in the mirror. The wisdom of those who are spiritually inclined resides in their belly, while the strife of those who are not, comfortably rests on their tongue in the very words they utter.

You are taught from a young age that the second commandment in the Holy scriptures encourages one not to use the Lord’s name in vain. Do not speak about the Great I Am like you know Him when that is not true. Save your life by refraining from misrepresenting the very source of the Spirit that keeps you alive.

Those who are in the dark joyfully exclaim that the Lord Almighty is omnipotent and omniscient. With happiness they express how the Most High is everywhere at any given time. “He is within us all!” the proclaim. These are the very same people who also profess how much they yearn and long for the presence of God. It leaves one to wonder just how omnipotent and omniscient this God actually is, that someone actually yearns, seeks and longs for something that is always there.

If the light within you is not light at all, how great is your blindness…

The Israelites of old profoundly knew who they were referring to whenever they spoke of their God. They fell face first or bowed immediately at the presence of their God or an angel from Heaven. Today, you have a population who base their faith on the testimonies of others, who bear false pride that rests in the inability to pray to their God in their own language. They find refuge in the motivational speakers who have mastered the art of somehow feeling that ‘a blessing is on the way’. 

Was it not the Son of Man who rebuked you saying that you study the scriptures with diligence, with the belief that in them you have salvation.  You confidently believe that the Lord Almighty has a plan for you from what you read and not what you've heard from the planner himself. You then go about making plans according to the desires of your heart with the hope that your Lord will agree and bless your will and not His own. Is it not the same God who commands that you dare not be a false witness? How much more about Him who is above all.

The Earth is many years old and there are some things that have been true from the beginning of time and remain that way even today. Do not consult the dead for guidance, do not seek protection and favour from those who are no longer alive because irrespective of what culture shows you, people dead or alive are still people not God. Marriage is not meant to be an escape from your problems or reality, rather it is a celebration of competence whereby children are the beneficiaries. How something begins is how it will end. 

Was it not the Son of Man who stressed that He does not pray for the whole world, but for those He has been given by the Father? It should be clear to you too not to dwell on the past nor expend all of your energy trying to keep ahold of what desires to be let go. Are my words still not clear? Seek first the kingdom of God and then everything else shall follow. If you are a man, there’s no life without spiritual competence. If you are a woman, there is no honour without respect nor the ability to rear children. But both will never know God's will for their life unless they each can hear the Holy Spirit speak clearly within them and not through signs and signals.

Sometimes what is fairly straightforward seems complex.

But I tell all of this to you my son to fulfill what is written, that whoever has ears..."

Sedi la ka, mponisetse tsela.


Holy Spirit, please show me the way. 


~This is just a leaf from my tree, part of a branch that was given to me.


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